If you are currently dreaming of a way to be a profitable and in-demand lash artist in your city without having to…

  • Wonder what you’re doing wrong
  • Guess why your client has poor retention
  • Go through the trail and error process
  • Waste more time and money
  • Lose another client due to poor retention

And that allows you to finally build a solid and loyal clientele that keeps coming back to you month after month…

Listen, I know you have doubts like:

  • What if this is just another BS fluff-filled course?
  • Can I really master retention through an online course?
  • Is it worth the money?
  • What if I still have questions about retention?

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have ALL the correct info WITH video demonstrations in one single place providing you with techniques you can start implementing on your NEXT client…

By someone who has already been through the trail and error phase, experimented on her own clients, worked with top manufacturers to get the research and information needed to create this course, has built a successful lash business within a single year, and has taught over 400+ lash artists who have successfully turned their entire lash business around by achieving 3-6 week retention?!


Hi, my name is Venice Arevalo

I used to struggle with creating beautiful sets that would actually last. I was desperately searching the internet for the answers to all my questions, but still struggled to figure out all the missing pieces to mastering retention. 

After a year and a half, I experimented, researched, and worked with top product manufacturers to put everything I've learned into this course. While juggling motherhood, I took my time creating this course, 6 months to be exact.

I went from not even making a thousand dollars a month to 6k months within my first year of lashing.

I know the feeling of self-doubt and uncertainty when you are first beginning your lash journey. You just want all the right information in one place. This is why I have created courses that will equip you with the latest information and techniques in the lash industry. 

Skip all the trial and error, stop wasting your money on products you don't need, and be the most knowledgeable and confident lash artist in your city.

I have been exactly where you are now, most successful lash artist have been. I’m here to tell you IT’S OKAY. You are not a failure. You’re reading this right now because you are in search of a solution and that alone is better than doing nothing and remaining stagnant. Poor retention is nothing but a LACK of knowledge.

Have Your Clients RAVING About You

We’ve all had that dreaded text that makes our heart sink to our butt and makes us want to give up lashing for good.


Soon clients will be referring you to everyone they know and soon enough you will be filling your books faster than you could imagine. Word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing there is.

4 Week Retention

After showing you PROPER placement, how to PROPERLY prepare the lashes before application, and helping you UNDERSTAND your glue…

3 to 6 week retention IS possible

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